Important Documents

Fingerprint Requirements

Instructions for completing the fingerprinting requirement for the Nevada Physical Therapy Board Licensure Application

Application for "Graduate of Physical Therapy" Designation

NRS 640.120 provides that a person who has applied for licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant and who meets the qualifications set forth in NRS 640.080 or 640.092, except subsection 3 of NRS 640.080 or subsection 4 of NRS 640.092, as applicable, is temporarily exempt from licensure and may practice physical therapy during the temporary exemption if the person meets certain criteria. Those guidelines include a completed and approved application, including fingerprinting results, submitted to the Board office, and supervision by a licensed physical therapist who is present on-site. Pursuant to these provisions, each applicant wishing to be considered a “Graduate of physical therapy” must submit a completed affidavit to the Nevada Physical Therapy Board.


It is the policy of the Nevada Physical Therapy Board to approve accommodation requests when an examination candidate demonstrates a qualifying disability. Any applicant for licensure by examination requesting special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must submit an NPTE Accommodations Request Form prior to registering for the NPTE.

Military Application Affidavit